Wild, Troll Caught Tuna

Our Wild, Troll Caught Tuna adheres to the highest standards of Quality and Sustainability Possible.

It is very important to use care in selecting your canned Tuna : most of the big brands in the supermarket (Bumble Bee, StarKist, etc. ) sell Albacore sourced from South Pacific fisheries which have management issues(see the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Fish Watch Video above). Instead, we recommend (and so does the Monterey Bay Aquarium) that you use tuna caught along the U.S. coast, like Sportsman’s Cannery Wild Albacore Tuna. It is troll caught in the Pacific Northwest and the best canned tuna you will ever eat: it’s so incredibly tasty. It also isn’t packed in oil or water, just tuna cooked in its own juices.

Our tuna is troll caught off the Oregon Coast by fishing vessels based in Winchester Bay and other local ports using sustainable, dolphin safe methods. Besides being an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, troll caught albacore tuna tend to be younger, smaller fish and have tested lower in mercury levels than tuna harvested by other methods.




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5 Responses

  1. Judy Foster

    Could you give me any idea when the canned tuna will be available. Thanks.
    Judy Foster

    • sports

      Canned tuna is now available. Please feel free to contact us by phone if you have any issues.
      Thanks for your patience.
      Brian and Kristina Reeves

  2. Doug Schulz

    Can you tell me when your tuna will again be available?

  3. Keith Bosch

    When will canned tuna be available I want to order a case of no label tuna.
    Thanks Keith

  4. gary rhinehart

    do you have fresh tuna? looking for 60# whole fish or 30# loins